Hoppa yfir valmynd
9. mars 2006 Utanríkisráðuneytið

Nýr sjóður S.þ. fyrir neyðaraðstoð (CERF)

Fimmtudaginn 9. mars 2006 flutti Hjálmar W. Hannesson, sendiherra og fastafulltrúi Íslands hjá Sameinuðu þjóðunum, ræðu fyrir Íslands hönd við formlega athöfn þar sem nýjum sjóði S.þ. fyrir neyðaraðstoð (CERF) var ýtt úr vör. Stofnun sjóðsins er hluti af heildarendurbótum á starfsemi S.þ. og er helsta markmiðið með stofnun hans að tryggja að S.þ. geti brugðist skjótar við neyðarástandi.

Í ræðu sinni tilkynnti sendiherra Íslands um 10 milljón kr. stofnframlag Íslands í sjóðinn. Hann lagði m.a. áherslu á að sjóðurinn ætti fyrst og fremst að nýtast á þeim stöðum þar sem athygli heimsins beinist ekki að, þrátt fyrir að neyðarástand ríki.

The Permanent Mission of Iceland
to the United Nations

Statement by
Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson
Permanent Representative of Iceland
to the United Nations

at the

High Level Meeting on the Launch of the
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF)

Iceland warmly welcomes the establishment of the Central Emergency Response Fund.

We all know that extensive delays in getting humanitarian assistance to those in need can prove to be disastrous. For that reason, predictable, fast and sound funding in the wake of humanitarian disasters is of essence.

Here, the Central Emergency Response Fund will have an important role to play, as it will provide a reliable source of finance that will help agencies on the ground to deal with humanitarian problems quickly.

Or, to put it plainly: the Fund will enable the UN to do more and to do it sooner – it will save lives!

One of the most important aspects of the Fund is, in our view, the fact that one-third of its allocations will be directed to addressing under-funded emergencies.

It is sometimes hard to admit, but political realities have repeatedly translated into over-emphasis on certain emergencies, perhaps at the cost of others. These are realities that we will continue to be faced with, and therefore I believe that it is up to the UN to ensure that those under-funded emergencies get the necessary attention. In this connection, the Fund will play an important role.

Moreover, by being an essential part of a broad humanitarian reform, we regard the Fund’s establishment to be an important part of the general reform process at the UN. Our expectation is that this Fund will make the organization more effective in carrying out one of its main mandates.

If the Fund fulfills our expectations, we are confident that it will translate into continued support of the international community, as well as adequate funding.

We are pleased to observe the enthusiasm with which member states have pledged contributions to the Fund, and are glad to inform you that in 2006 the Government of Iceland will contribute one hundred and fifty thousand USD (150.000) to the Fund.


Hafa samband

Ábending / fyrirspurn
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